Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Prof. Alexander Eychmüller
Physical Chemistry/Electrochemistry, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
Deputy Coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfAED), Member of the Senate of the TU Dresden, Member of the Kurt-Schwabe-Instituts e.V., Member and Spokesman of the Fachkommission der Fachrichtung Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie (2009-2013).
Email: alexander.eychmueller@chemie.tu-dresden.de
- Prof. Andries Meijerink
Debye Institute for NanoMaterials Science, Utrecht University, Holland.
Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2009-), Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2009-), Dean of Chemistry, Utrecht University (2004-2007).
Email: A.Meijerink@uu.nl
- Prof. Dayang Wang
Ian Wark Research Institute, University of South Australia.
Group leader of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPIKG) (2004-2010), Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany (2001).
Email: dayang.wang@unisa.edu.au
- Prof. Dongsheng Liu
partment of Chemistry, Tsinghua University.
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, recipient of Hundred Talent Program of CAS, 1st Chinese Chemical Society - the Royal Chemical Society Young Chemist Award.
Email: liudongsheng@tinghua.edu.cn
- Prof. Guojun Zhang
Director of Cancer Hospital of Shantou University Medical College.
Email: guoj_zhang@yahoo.com
- Prof. Fan Wang
Director of Medical Isotopes Research Center, Peking University.
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.
Email: wangfan@bjmu.edu.cn
- Prof. Hans-Joachim Galla
Head of the Institute of Biochemistry, University of Münster, Germany.
President of German Biophysics Society (2011-), Board member of the European Biophysical Society Association (EBSA) (2005-2007), President of the German branch of the European Tissue Culture Society (2002-2005).
Email: gallah@uni-muenster.de
- Prof. Hao Lei
Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese academy of Sciences.
Recipient of Hundred Talent Program of CAS, Deputy director of the Wuhan Center for Magnetic Resonance, Second Prize of Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award.
Email: leihao@wipm.ac.cn
- Prof. Hong Zhang
Chairman, Department of Nuclear Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University; Chairman, Zhejiang University Medical PET Center; Director, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging of Zhejiang University; Director, Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Imaging of Zhejiang Province.
Email: hzhang21@gmail.com
- Prof. Hongwei Duan
Division of Bioengineering, School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering,
College of Engineering, Nanyang Technological University.
Email: hduan@ntu.edu.sg
- Prof. Hongyu Chen
Division of Chemistry & Biological Chemistry, School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Email: hongyuchen@ntu.edu.sg
- Prof. Hua Ai
Engineering Research Center in Biomaterials, National Engineering Research Center for Biomaterials, Sichuan University. Member of the Chinese Society for Molecular Imaging of the Biophysical Society of China.
Email: huaai@scu.edu.cn
- Prof. Ick Chan Kwon
韩国科学与技术学院教授,生物医学中心主任,韩国分子影像学会前会长,Journal of Controlled release 和Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 亚洲区主编及多家国际杂志编委
Head of Biomedical Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology.
The President of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging (2008‐2010), Asian Editor of the Journal of Controlled Release (Elsevier) and the Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology (American Scientific Publisher), member of the editorial boards of Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research and J. Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition.
Email: ikwon@kist.re.kr
- Prof. Jianghong Rao
Departments of Radiology and Chemistry (Courtesy), Stanford University.
Member of the Molecular Imaging, Bio-X, Cancer Biology, and Biophysics Programs
Email: jrao@stanford.edu
- Prof. Jicun Ren
上海交通大学教授,中国化学会有机分析专业委员会委员,Electrophoresis, Microchimica Acta, Journal of Separation Science等期刊编委
School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Member of the editorial boards of Electrophoresis, Microchimica Acta, and Journal of Separation Science, member of Committee of Organic analysis, Chinese Chemical Society.
Email: jicunren@sjtu.edu.cn
- Prof. Junqi Sun
College of Chemistry, Jilin University.
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Deputy Director of College of Chemistry, New Century Excellent Talent (Ministry of Education of China).
Email: junqi@jlu.edu.cn
- Prof. Kaichun Wu
Department of Gastroenterology, Xijing Hospital of Digestive Diseases, Fourth
Military Medical University
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Department Chair and
Professor Executive Vice President of Xijing Hospital of Digestive
Diseases(XHDD), Fourth Military Medical University Xi’an China
Email: kaicwu@fmmu.edu.cn
- Prof. Kwan Man
Department of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong.
Rising Star Award in 12th, 13th and 16th International Liver Transplantation Society Congress, Young Investigator Award in 10th and 11th International Liver Transplantation Society Congress, AACR Scholar in Training Award in AACR Annual Meeting San Diego, CA (2008).
Email: kwanman@hku.hk
- Prof. Lily Yang
美国埃默里大学肿瘤外科Nance Panoz特聘教授,埃默里大学药学院放射医学系副教授
Surgery and Nancy Panoz Chair of Surgery in Cancer Research, Department of Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine, USA; Secondary Appointment, Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Emory University School of Medicine.
Email: lyang02@emory.edu
- Prof. Lin Shen
Deputy director of Beijing Cancer Hospital, Peking University.
Director of Digestive tumor Internal Medicine, Deputy director of Beijing Institute for Cancer Research, Deputy director of Gastric Cancer Association, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association.
Email: lin100@medmail.com.cn
- Prof. Mingyuan Gao
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Chief Scientist of National Basic Research Program (973 program), National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, recipient of Hundred Talent Program of CAS, recipient of award for top 20% candidates finished with the "Hundred Talent Program" from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, recipient of the "Special Allowance of the State Council".
Email: gaomy@iccas.ac.cn
- Prof. Qiangbin Wang
uzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese academy of Sciences.
Recipient of Hundred Talent Program of CAS.
Email: qbwang2008@sinano.ac.cn
- Prof. Shu Wang
国家杰出青年基金获得者,中科院“百人计划”入选者,中国科学院化学研究所研究员, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces副主编,Langmuir以及《化学学报》杂志编委
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese academy of Sciences.
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, recipient of Hundred Talent Program of CAS, Associate Editor of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, member of the editorial boards of Langmuir.
Email: wangshu@iccas.ac.cn
- Prof. Wensheng Yang
College of Chemistry, Jilin University.
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Director of the Chinese Chemical Society, Member of the International Affairs Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society.
Email: wsyang@jlu.edu.cn
- Prof. Xiaohu Gao
Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington.
Faculty Innovator Award from UW-COE 2010, NSF CAREER Award 2007, assistant editor for Nanoscale Research Letters.
Email: xgao@uw.edu
- Prof. Yan Li
Department of Oncology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University.
Deputy director of Hubei Cancer Clinical Study Center & Hubei Key Laboratory of Tumor Biological Behaviors, Director of Medical Science Research Center of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Cancer Center of Wuhan University, Associate Editor of Biomaterials.
Email: liyansd2@163.com
- Prof. Yanglong Hou
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking University.
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, New Century Excellent Talent (Ministry of Education of China).
Email: hou@pku.edu.cn
- Prof. Zhifang Chai
Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese academy of Sciences; Soochow University.
Academician of Chinese Academy of sciences (CAS), Head of School of Radiation Medicine & Public Health, Medical College of Soochow University, Head of School for Radiological&Interdisciplinary sciences, Soochow University.
Email: chaizf@ihep.ac.cn
- Prof. Chuanlai Xu
School of Food Science and Technology, JiangNan University
Email: xcl@jiangnan.edu.cn
- Dr. Ivan Kempson
Biophysical Analyst, Ian Wark Research Institute, University of South Australia
Editor of Nature Publishing Group, Scientific Reports. Program Advisory Committee member of X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy, Australian Synchrotron
Email: ivan.kempson@unisa.edu.au
- Dr. Daping Zhang
RSC Publishing Editor, China, Beijing Office, PO Box 53, No. 2 Zhongguancun North First Street, Beijing, China.
Email: ZhangD@rsc.org
- Dr. Maria Francesca Casula
Chemical Sciences Department and INSTM, University of Cagliari, Monserrato, Italy.
Email: casulaf@unica.it
- Dr. Zhen Li
Institute for Superconducting and Electronic Materials, Australian Institute of Innovative Materials, University of Wollongong.
Email: zhenl@uow.edu.au