Location: Home >> Important Notes  
  Important Dates
  Deadline for abstract: July 1, 2013
Poster Prize: two Poster Prizes for the poster presentations are sponsored by RSC Publishing.
More information will be provided in the 3rd circular.
External funding from industry is currently raised to compensate the costs for invited speakers; Accompanying person may be subjected to some charges for tickets and local transportation to tourist places.
  General Information
  Conference Venue, Registration and Accommodation
Conference Venue: Liyuanxiang Liyage Hotel Chengdu (成都梨园祥•丽雅阁酒店)
Address: No.1 North Renmin Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China (see map below from coming from the Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport (A) to the holel (B)
Registration Time: 14:00 – 20:00, August 16, 2013.
Accommodation: Rooms have been booked for registered participants in Liyuanxiang Liyage Hotel Chengdu.